P-04-594 Cilmeri Community Council Appeal for The Prince Llywelyn Monument – Correspondence from Powys County Council to the Committee, 10.04.17


Dear Ms Driscoll,


Thank you for your e-mail.


Powys County Council (PCC) undertook to work with CADW to provide an improved visitor experience at the Prince Llywelyn Monument, Cilmeri.  In line with the report and available funding at the time a number of specific items from the plan were implemented.  These items included; a new well cover (image attached) to provide improved access to the well head and additionally, the installation of a number of interpretation panels around the site to enhance visitor knowledge.


Unfortunately, due to funding restrictions on both the part of CADW and the PCC managing service further access improvements were not undertaken in line with the design proposal.  The site remains an important visitor attraction for the area but funding restrictions will continue to prevent further improvements to the site.   PCC will support the free transfer of the asset to the Community Council as this would enable the Community Council to access grants currently unavailable to PCC to improve the site. 


Yours sincerely


Barry Thomas

Executive Leader

Powys County Council